White Sox wish their Hall of Fame hoopster a happy 53rd birthday

SARATOSA, UNITED STATES: Ex-Chicago Bulls standout Michael Jordan warms up 15 February 1994 in Saratosa, FL, before his first spring training workout with the Chicago White Sox. The retired basketball superstar is hoping to win a spot on the major league team. (Photo credit should read ROBERT SULLIVAN/AFP/Getty Images)

The Chicago White Sox took time Wednesday to wish their most famous minor-league player ever a happy 53rd birthday.

You might remember that hoops Hall of Famer Michael Jordan delayed his professional baseball career in order to pursue his NBA dreams. But between his first three-peat and second three-peat with the Chicago Bulls, MJ finally found time to chase down some flyballs and swing and miss at a few curveballs with the Double-A Birmingham Barons.

Under the watchful eyes on manager Terry Francona, Jordan hit .202/.289/.266 with three homers, 51 RBI, 17 doubles and 30 stolen bases in 127 games during the 1994 season.