Usain Bolt Says Goodbye To London Olympics, In GIFs

This may be Usain Bolt's last Olympics. Or it may not -- you never know with him. But either way, it's been a blast watching Bolt go to work and seeing him put on one final show on the track. In the men's 4x100m relay, Bolt blew away the field with a blazing anchor leg, capping a terrific Olympics with a third gold medal.

Bolt was basically even with Ryan Bailey when they both received the baton. Yeah ... that didn't last long. And this time around, there was no showboating from Bolt. He ran hard through the finish and even gave it a lean. Bailey didn't stand a chance.

And like he did in the 100 and 200, Bolt put on a show along the way. As he crossed the finish line, Bolt paid tribute to Mo Farah -- winner of the men's 10,000 and 5,000 -- by borrowing a page from the British distance runner's playbook. Bolt did the Mo-Bot, and it was fantastic.

And after he did the Mo-Bot, Bolt had a little fun with a nearby official. Because he's Usain Bolt and he likes to fool around on the track.

Farewell, Usain Bolt. Thanks for all the memories this past week.

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