Tennessee State linebacker on miraculous recovery: ‘GOD is good all the time’

Tennessee State linebacker Christion Abercrombie is in rehab on his way to a full recovery after collapsing on the sidelines and being rushed to the ICU in late September. (Tennessee State University Tigers)

Tennessee State linebacker Christion Abercrombie was rushed to the ICU after he collapsed on the sideline during a game in late September.

This week, he finally sent out a message letting everyone knows he’s doing better and thankful for all the prayers.

“I am him! And GOD is good all the time,” Abercrombie, 20, tweeted Monday night, indicating that he is on the road to recovery.

The Tigers player is recovering from an impact injury after doctors say a blood vessel burst in his brain during the TSU game against Vanderbilt on Sept. 29. He underwent emergency surgery that removed the left side of his skull and is now at a rehab facility in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia.

His family has been tracking his progress and sharing it with the community. On October 21, they reported that he was able to wave his hand and mumble the word “yes.”

Staci Abercrombie, Christion’s mother, said she is optimistic about his recovery given their faith and support from the community.

“We know that it’s a miracle that our son is here today,” Staci said at a press conference. “Please continue to pray for Christion’s full recovery.”

She retweeted her son’s message: “This is all GOD!”

TSU President Glenda Glover said his story is “an example of what the power of prayer can do.”

She added: “We ask that everyone keep praying for Christion, and his family, as he moves to the next phase of care and ultimately makes a full recovery.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up by Tennessee State to help with Christion and his family and has raised more than $59,000 of a $250,000 goal. Two other GoFundMe pages were reportedly shut down at the request of the school, because Abercrombie's medical expenses will be paid by insurance provided by TSU and the NCAA.

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