Students arrested in TCU drug bust

Police made a drug bust at Texas Christian University on Wednesday morning, a sting which reportedly included the arrest of four football players.

According to the Star-Telegram, the six-month investigation by Fort Worth and TCU Campus Police resulted in 17 students being taken into custody. The report also stated that at least one starter on the football team was involved.

The drugs being sold reportedly included marijuana, cocaine, acid, ecstacy and prescription drugs.

"While this news is certainly shocking and disappointing, it is important to remember that TCU has clear expectations for its students: that they behave in an ethical manner, abide by campus policies and adhere to state and federal law," TCU chancellor Victor J. Boschini Jr. said in a release. "These students are charged with acting in a manner that is incompatible with TCU values and against the law. That is simply unacceptable and such reported behavior is not tolerated at this University.

"We have a responsibility to ensure that our campus environment is free of such behavior. Today's actions highlight that responsibility. The students involved were immediately separated from TCU and criminally trespassed from campus. Further, according to University policy, students arrested and found in violation of distributing drugs are subject to immediate expulsion from TCU."

Students were arrested in different campus locations for selling drugs, according to police.

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