Stanley Cup Final Game 1 live blog

(note, each in-game blog will be done in local time until Game-time clock starts)

5:05 p.m. As usual, there is some lineup news to deal with before we got down to the brass tacks. The Bruins are completely healthy and have no changes from the team that finished the eastern Conference Finals. Vancouver, though, has a few changes. Manny Malhotra remians out despite the fact there was optimism earlier in the week that he could play. But, after taking part in a scrimmage during Sunday's practice, he has not skated again. But, the defense gets much stronger as both Christian Ehrhoff and Aaron Rome have been drafted back into the lineup after getting healthy during Vancouver's long layoff.

4:58 p.m. Welcome to the Stanley Cup Final! This city is alive for its first date with the Stanley Cup Final since a semi-serious relationship back in 1994. Warmups have just ended and this place is already more than half-full despite the fact that the work day has yet to finish. It should be a great night.

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