Special Olympics: Blind Argentine Team Trying for Gold

The footballs used by the Murciélagos are filled with ball bearings to enable the players to hear the ball as it makes it way between the players and into the goal (Beatrice Murch )

A player who has some sight has his eyes taped shut to bring him to the level of the fully blind players. (Beatrice Murch )

The guys wait by the field for practice to start. (Beatrice Murch )

CeNARD training center entrance. (Beatrice Murch )

The gym at CeNARD (Beatrice Murch )

Federico Acardi reaches for the overhead bar to workout at the gym. (Beatrice Murch )

David Peralta works out in the gym. (Beatrice Murch )

The sighted goalie reaches to stop a goal, but falls short during a practice drill. (Beatrice Murch )

Athletes walk through the gym in a train to get from one machine to another. (Beatrice Murch )

The blind member gets one past the sighted goalie in training. (Beatrice Murch )