
Former Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III is looking to revive his once-lauded NFL career and has been given a chance to do so with the Cleveland Browns. But for things to work for RG3 this time around, he'll have to learn from past mistakes.

A feature written Wednesday by Jason Reid of theundefeated.com takes a look at the rise and fall of RG3 and his attempt at returning to relevancy in the NFL. One particularly juicy excerpt claims that coming off his 2012 Offensive Rookie of the Year season Griffin held a meeting with Redskins coaches demanding they change the playbook to cater more to his style of play:

Griffin called for a meeting. He declined to tell Mike Shanahan what he wanted to discuss, saying only it was important. Griffin, Mike and Kyle Shanahan and quarterbacks coach Matt LaFleur gathered in the offensive meeting room at the team headquarters in Ashburn, Virginia. With the coaches seated, Griffin walked to a blackboard and wrote:

1. Change things.

2. Change our protections.

3. Unacceptable.

4. Bottom line.

Reid went on to say that Griffin demanded that then-coach Mike Shanahan scrap the protection scheme and start over:

Griffin, who supported his presentation with video clips of each play, expected them to be deleted from the playbook. Bottom line, Griffin said, he was a drop-back quarterback -- not a running quarterback.

Shanahan's take on the meeting was the most revealing. The former coach told Reid he thought the entire presentation was conjured up by Redskins owner Dan Snyder, with whom Griffin once had a very close relationship.

"When Robert is standing there going through all of that, I know it's coming from Dan," Shanahan said. "When Robert talked about 'unacceptable,' that was a word Dan used all the time. He was using phrases Dan used all the time. There's only one way a guy who's going into his second year would do something like this: If he sat down with the owner and the owner believed that this is the way he should be used."

No wonder Griffin needed a fresh start, even after Shanahan was replaced by current coach Jay Gruden, who eventually benched Griffin, replaced him with Kirk Cousins and released him. It's a safe bet Griffin will try a different approach in Cleveland.