Report: NBA players discuss decertification

With labor talks set to resume Saturday, a group of NBA players has reportedly discussed decertifying their union.

According to a report on the New York Times' website, approximately 50 NBA players are in favor of decertification if talks continue to falter or if the union makes any other concessions to owners.

The crux of the issue again comes down to Basketball Related Income (BRI), with the group of players wanting to hold firm at a 52.5 percent share, while owners have repeatedly pushed for a 50-50 split.

Dissolving the union would essentially be a leverage ploy for the players.

The report said that decertification would allow the players to sue the NBA under federal antitrust law, potentially forcing owners to end the lockout. It warned that the process may take two months, which would place the entire 2011-12 season in jeopardy.

Talks between players and owners are set to resume Saturday, the Boston Herald reported Thursday.

Following the latest edition of failed negotiations, NBA commissioner David Stern announced the cancellation of the remaining games in November. The rift, which began July 1, had already claimed the first two weeks of the season, which was scheduled to start this past Tuesday.

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