Report: A-Rod camp implicated other players in Biogenesis

New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez could have more trouble coming his way after a report on Friday indicated that members of the embattled slugger's camp implicated other players in the Biogenesis scandal.

According to the CBS news magazine "60 Minutes," people associated with Rodriguez leaked the names of Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun and Yankees catcher Francisco Cervelli to Yahoo! Sports soon after the Biogenesis scandal first broke in January.

The Miami New Times had initially published documents obtained from Biogenesis of America, the now-defunct anti-aging clinic in Miami run by Anthony Bosch, revealing a host of athletes that were provided performance-enhancing drugs.

Rodriguez was among the names the Miami New Times published, while others were redacted.

"60 Minutes" said Friday it learned that Rodriguez's camp obtained the unredacted copies -- featuring the names of Braun and Cervelli -- and gave them to Yahoo! Sports.

Braun and Cervelli had initially acknowledged a relationship with Bosch and his clinic, but denied using PEDs. Both were suspended this summer as part of Major League Baseball's investigation of Biogenesis. Braun was suspended 65 games on July 22 and Cervelli was among the 12 players receiving a 50-game penalty on Aug. 5.

Rodriguez, meanwhile, is playing for the Yankees after appealing his 211-game suspension.

A-Rod spoke to reporters from the Yankees' dugout in Boston Friday night prior to a game against the Red Sox.

"I support all my teammates, and whether you play in Boston, or the Diamondbacks or the Mets, I love all the members of the union equally and unconditionally," he said.

"60 Minutes" also received a statement from Rodriguez's lawyer, denying the latest allegations.

"The allegations are untrue and are another attempt to harm Alex -- this time by driving a wedge between Alex and other players in the game," said David Cornwell. "While Alex focuses on baseball and repeatedly states that he is going to respect the appeal process, the drumbeat of false allegations continues."

Rodriguez, who was sidelined for the first four months of the season while recovering from hip surgery and a controversial quad issue, will continue to play while his appeal process continues.

"I wish all of this could be done in a confidentially manner like the collective bargaining agreement says it should, but that's not the case," A- Rod said. "We're going to have to deal with it. When I have the right platform at the right time, and the time is appropriate, which is not now, I will tell my full story."