Prosecutors: Sandusky should stay inside

Prosecutors want the conditions of Jerry Sandusky's bail to be modified to prevent the former Penn State assistant coach from leaving the walls of his house unless it is to receive medical treatment.

Court papers filed Tuesday by the attorney general's office say neighbors have expressed concern after observing Sandusky outside the confines of his house, which borders a school playground.

Sandusky is under electronic monitoring pending trial on 52 counts of felony and misdemeanor sexual offenses against children. He has denied the charges that he systematically abused children, using his Second Mile charity to groom potential victims.

In court papers, prosecutors say individuals from the elementary school have expressed concerns for the safety of children at the school and in Sandusky's neighborhood.

Sandusky was observed by a teacher and a student intern to be on the rear deck of his house watching children during recess on a recent warm day, according to the papers.

"Such concerns will only mushroom if defendant is permitted to roam at will outside his home," wrote Senior Deputy Attorney General Jonelle H. Eshbach.

Prosecutors also objected to a defense request to modify his bail conditions to permit Sandusky to have visitation rights with his grandchildren at his home, arguing that his alleged victims were all children he shared a close relationship with and that some of the victims say they were molested in his house while Sandusky's wife was home.

"Nothing has changed which would render the defendant's household now safe, when it was unsafe for children from at least 1994 through 2008," Eshbach wrote.

Prosecutors also say Sandusky should not be allowed to have visits from adult friends, or be permitted to leave his house in the company of his defense team to assist his attorneys and private investigators in preparation for trial.

They argue Sandusky was "fortunate" to be granted electronic monitoring under house arrest considering his charges and believe he should be in jail awaiting trial.

"He has been granted the privilege of being confined in his own home, which is spacious and private and where he can eat food of his own preference and sleep in his own bed at night," Eshbach wrote. "House arrest is not meant to be a house party."

Eshbach wrote that prosecutors are not aware whether Sandusky's grandchildren have expressed sadness at not being able to see their grandfather and don't know if the former defensive coordinator's children want his grandchildren to have contact with him.

However, prosecutors say they are aware that the ex-wife of Sandusky's son, Matthew Sandusky, objects to her three children having any contact with their grandfather and say a psychologist has said the children need counseling as a result of contact with Sandusky.

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