Pop calls Spurs rookie 'one of the most selfish players' after big game

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich joked center Boban Marjanovic is "one of the most selfish players I've been around" after the rookie had 19 points on 9-of-12 shooting in 13 minutes of Wednesday's win over Miami.

"He's one of the most selfish players I've been around," Popovich joked, unable to stifle his laughter. "He shot it every time he touched it. It's incredible. He should apologize to his team tomorrow for being so greedy. He just wanted to get his name in the paper."

Marjanovic was shocked when told of Popovich's comments.

"If Coach said that, then ..." Marjanovic said before being informed Popovich was kidding.

"This just happened tonight," Marjanovic said, smiling in relief. "I felt great tonight."