
Penn State's plans to involved an Army veteran in the coin toss Saturday when the Nittany Lions play host to the Black Knights have been canceled because of the reaction to the man's connection to a past scandal at the school.

StateCollege.com reports Bruce Heim was "a major donor" and vice chair of The Second Mile, a charity started by disgraced former PSU assistant Jerry Sandusky, who is currently in prison following a conviction for child sexual abuse.

Sandusky reportedly met some of his victims through the charity.

"Bruce Heim is a former football player and graduate of West Point and recipient of the Bronze Star in Vietnam who has served our nation with distinction," Penn State president Eric Barron said in a statement released by the school. "Unfortunately, his participation in Saturday's coin toss ceremony has re-opened deep wounds in our community that do not involve his service to country, but have distracted the public from the purpose of the day. We therefore regret that we must rescind the invitation to Mr. Heim to participate in the coin toss. We hope the sole focus of the day remains honoring all the dedicated men and women who serve our nation."