Numbers stack up in American, Swiss FIFA corruption cases

ZURICH (AP) Four months after stunning arrests and raids rocked FIFA, there could yet be four years until the final criminal trial is heard.

U.S. attorney general Loretta Lynch warned on Monday that the number of people indicted in a wide-ranging racketeering case should rise from the current tally of 14.

Lynch held a joint news conference with her counterpart in Switzerland, Michael Lauber, to give an update on their separate investigations into alleged corruption in soccer.

Swiss professor of criminal law Mark Pieth, a former anti-corruption adviser to FIFA, predicted that all the legal activity in Lauber's slow-burning case could take four years.

Here's how some numbers stack up in the FIFA investigations:


Suspicious acts of possible money laundering being examined by Swiss federal prosecutors.

That number has grown from 53 in June.

''We have to decide for each and every report,'' Lauber said Monday, ''whether to open a new investigation, join it to an existing one and whether the assets have to be frozen.''


The value of already frozen assets, which Lauber declined to put a figure on.

Swiss accounts are the obvious asset to shut down but real estate was revealed on the list Monday. An unspecified number of apartments have been seized in the Swiss Alps

''Investments in real estate can be misused for the purpose of money laundering,'' Lauber noted.


The total amount FIFA charged its then vice president Jack Warner for World Cup television rights in the Caribbean for the 2010 and 2014 tournaments.

Warner sublicensed the rights to a family company and sold them on for up to $20 million. The FIFA deal from 2005 was signed by President Sepp Blatter, and Warner has claimed Blatter knowingly traded cheap TV rights for political support.

Lauber's team seeks evidence of ''criminal mismanagement'' at FIFA. This should be one such case, former FIFA anti-corruption adviser Mark Pieth said Monday.


Terabytes of data being analyzed for the Swiss case.

Most was seized from FIFA headquarters, some is the suspected money-laundering transactions.

That is a serious workload for a relatively small team of prosecutors, whose work began last November.

''We are not even near the halftime break,'' Lauber said.


Extradition requests by U.S. authorities which Switzerland's justice ministry should publish its decisions on this week.

The six men - including a pair of 80-somethings in former FIFA vice president Eugenio Figueredo of Uruguay, and 2014 World Cup organizing committee head Jose Maria Marin of Brazil - were arrested in hotel raids in Zurich on May 27.

All six resisted extradition to the U.S. which made formal requests to Swiss authorities in July.


Years in prison on racketeering charges facing those named in the U.S. indictment. So far, 14 soccer and marketing officials have been charged, and four more have pleaded guilty.