No bond for Pirates pitcher Vazquez in child sex case

This undated photo provided by Westmoreland County Prison shows suspended Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Felipe Vazquez. Vázquez was arrested last Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019, on multiple felony charges, including statutory sexual assault, soliciting a child and pornography, and was placed on administrative leave by Major League Baseball. (Westmoreland County Prison via AP)

Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Felipe Vázquez has been ordered held without bond following his arrest on multiple felony charges including sexual assault of a minor.

Vázquez was taken into custody last week by Pennsylvania State Police on an arrest warrant from Florida stemming from illicit electronic communication with an underage girl. State police say he told investigators he attempted to have sex with the girl during a meeting at her house in 2017.

Vázquez was charged with statutory sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor and corruption of minors, all felonies, and a misdemeanor count of indecent assault of a person under 16 years old.

Westmoreland County District Judge Charles Moore denied bond for the 28-year-old Vázquez during a brief hearing Wednesday.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement says it began investigating Vázquez in August after learning of an alleged sexual relationship between Vázquez and a teenage girl living in Florida.

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