NBA talks again break off without a deal

Lengthy talks between the players' union and team owners broke off without a deal for the second time Thursday, but the players did leave with a revised proposal from the league.

"Right now we have I guess what we have characterized as a revised proposal from the NBA," union president Derek Fisher said.

No date has been set for the two sides to resume negotiations, but NBA commissioner David Stern expects the players to review the league's proposal early next week.

"We understand that the revised proposal will be presented to the board of the union on Monday, or if travel is difficult no later than Tuesday," Stern said.

After meeting for 8 1/2 hours on Saturday, Stern gave the players a deadline of Wednesday to accept a new proposal that included a split of basketball- related income to the players between 49 and 51 percent, depending on revenue projections from the league.

Fisher made it clear at a Tuesday press conference the NBA's current offer would not be accepted.

Despite the deadline passing, Stern said the proposal was still on the table as the parties try to get a deal done.

If the players don't accept the deal, the next offer by the owners is said to be a 47-percent BRI for the players and a flex salary cap. Players were guaranteed 57 percent under the old collective bargaining agreement.

All games through November have already been canceled.

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