Italian soccer club Juventus announced Wednesday that defender Daniele Rugani has tested positive for coronavirus.

Rugani, who also has played for the Italian national team, was the first player in the country’s top soccer division known to test positive.

Juventus, which has won the last eight Serie A titles, announced the result on its website and social media channels.

The club elaborated that Rugani and those known to have had contact with him were going into isolation.

Italian soccer, along with all other sports in the country, has been suspended until April 3.

Italian soccer club Juventus announced that defender Daniele Rugani has tested positive for coronavirus. (Alberto Gandolfo/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images, File)

Italian soccer club Juventus announced that defender Daniele Rugani has tested positive for coronavirus. (Alberto Gandolfo/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images, File)


Italy’s government announced Wednesday it was dedicating nearly $28 billion to boost anti-virus efforts and soften economic blows, including delaying tax and mortgage payments by families and businesses.

Expressing alarm both about mounting infections and inadequate government responses, the World Health Organization [WHO] declared Wednesday that the global coronavirus crisis has become a pandemic but added that it’s not too late for countries around the world to act.

By reversing course and using the charged word “pandemic,” the United Nations health agency apparently sought to shock lethargic countries into pulling out all the stops.


For most patients, the coronavirus has caused only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. But, for a few, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it could trigger more severe illnesses, including pneumonia. Over 121,000 people have been infected worldwide and over 4,300 have died, officials said.

But, most people have recovered. People with mild illness would recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illnesses may take three to six weeks to recover, the WHO said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.