High-profile agent Dogra has license revoked by union

The NFL players' union has revoked the license of high-profile agent Ben Dogra and fined him $200,000.

Dogra, who has represented Adrian Peterson among other players, can apply for reinstatement in three years.

The union did not cite any specifics Wednesday in its statement, but said the players on the committee on agent regulations and discipline voted unanimously to sanction Dogra.

A 38-count disciplinary complaint was brought to the committee.

Dogra declined to comment on the punishment.

Dogra has the right to appeal the discipline before an independent arbitrator. Any discipline should Dogra appeal would not be enforced until the appeal process is completed and he could continue to operate as an agent until resolution of the case.

Other Dogra clients have included Richard Sherman and Mario Williams.

Dogra recently left the Creative Artists Agency in a contentious split that resulted in litigation and his losing several players. But many of them remained in his representation including Peterson, Cincinnati wide receiver A.J. Green and Carolina running back Jonathan Stewart to name a notable few.

Never was Dogra more on display than last March, when Peterson was estranged from the Vikings following his punishment by the NFL for his involvement in the child-abuse case that kept him out for all but one game of the 2014 season. Peterson initially balked at coming back to the team, even after he was reinstated by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Dogra did the bad-cop work by declaring a resumption of Peterson's career in Minnesota was ''not in his best interest'' and claiming the Vikings had not given them ''one compelling reason'' to do so.

Peterson didn't appear to have any leverage, after the Vikings refused to trade him or release him. But less than three months later, Peterson relented and rejoined his teammates for practice. Before training camp began, his contract was restructured for $20 million in guaranteed money.


AP Pro Football Writer Dave Campbell contributed to this story.


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