Hall of Fame pitcher Goose Gossage isn’t afraid to hold back.

Gossage, who had an interview with USA TODAY Sports, spent 22 seasons in the majors and was a part of all eight of baseball’s work stoppages until this year’s lockout. Gossage felt the need to blast every part of today’s game, including MLB commissioner Rob Manfred.


Hall of Famer Rich "Goose" Gossage is introduced during the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Clark Sports Center on July 29, 2018 in Cooperstown, New York.

Hall of Famer Rich "Goose" Gossage is introduced during the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Clark Sports Center on July 29, 2018 in Cooperstown, New York. (Photo by Mark Cunningham/MLB Photos via Getty Images)

"I hate that mother (expletive),’’ Gossage told the website. "You know how much I hate him? I called (Hall of Fame chairman) Jane Forbes Clark before the induction last year and said, 'Jane, I don’t know where you stand with this guy, but I may punch Rob Manfred right in the (expletive) nose and spatter his (expletive) nose all over his (expletive) face right in the lobby of your hotel."

Gossage admitted that he "probably won’t go" to the Hall of Fame induction this summer because it’s his way of protesting the induction of Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz, who tested positive for PED use in 2003 when the league issues anonymous drug tests.

News of Ortiz’s positive test came about in 2009 to the New York Times.


Hall of Famer Goose Gossage is introduced during the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Clark Sports Center on July 21, 2019 in Cooperstown, New York.

Hall of Famer Goose Gossage is introduced during the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Clark Sports Center on July 21, 2019 in Cooperstown, New York. (Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images)

"If we start letting guys in that used steroids, you’re saying it’s OK for our kids to do it then because the stars did it,’’ Gossage explained. "That’s why Congress got involved in the first place because baseball wasn’t policing it. We never should let (Barry) Bonds or (Roger) Clemens in, either.

"These guys have already been rewarded monetarily. They’re laughing all of the way to the bank on something that enhanced their performance. Come on, you don’t break the greatest record of all time (Hank Aaron’s 755 home run record) having the best years of your career when you’re in your 40s. … They’re all phonies to me.’’

Gossage touched on fighting the urge to throw New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman into a trash can, and he believes Cincinnati Reds legend Pete Rose should be allowed to enter the Hall of Fame if baseball embraces gambling.

Gossage also told the website that he wants Yankees owner Hal Steinbrenner to sell the franchise, and he said that baseball would be making a huge mistake if they implement automatic strike zones with robot umpires.

Hall of Famer Goose Gossage is introduced during the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Clark Sports Center on Sept. 8, 2021 in Cooperstown, New York.

Hall of Famer Goose Gossage is introduced during the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Clark Sports Center on Sept. 8, 2021 in Cooperstown, New York. (Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images)


"It breaks my heart to see what has happened to this game,’’ Gossage continued. "They tore my heart out and cut it up. ... They ruined the game. I can’t even watch a baseball game."

Gossage said of Cashman: "I was going to pick him up one day in the clubhouse, and throw him head-first in a trash can. All you would have seen is his feet. And there’s nothing he could have done about it."