Gay Group Calls for Football Hall of Famer to Apologize Over 'Brokeback' Comment

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Defense Fund wants an apology from Pro Football Hall of Famer Dan Hampton after referring to the Dallas Cowboys as more "Brokeback" -- the movie about two gay cowboys -- than Eastwood, the Dallas Morning News reports.

A GLAAD official wrote on the group's blog that "Hampton telegraphed to his audience that gay men are not good enough, just as he doesn't believe the Dallas Cowboys are good enough."

The former Chicago Bear, who played from 1979-1990, was already in hot water after making a Katrina comment last week on Pro Football Weekly's TV show as he previewed the Minnesota Vikings-New Orleans Saints game.

"The Vikings need to go down there and hit that town like Katrina," Hampton said on the show.

The Hall of Famer apologized for the Katrina comment, but has yet to comment on this latest incident.

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Pro Football Weekly editor Hub Arkush told that they will respond to the "Brokeback" comment.

"As badly as we feel about both situations, we are trying our very best to be sure we don't do anything that might offend anyone even more."

Click here for more on this story from the Dallas Morning News.

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