Delle Donne and Carra lead No. 18 Delaware women past Drexel 62-57, tie school record

Elena Delle Donne posted a double-double and Lauren Carra scored a season-high 21 points to help No. 18 Delaware beat Drexel 62-57 Sunday and tie a school record with 21 straight wins.

Delle Donne finished with 28 points and 10 rebounds, her eighth double-double this season, while Carra made 7 of 14 shots, including a 3-pointer that broke a 54-all tie with 1:36 left to play.

Drexel's Rachel Pearson answered with a 3 of her own but Carra and Delle Donne combined to make five free throws over the final minute while the Dragons (20-8, 13-4) went scoreless.

Delaware (26-3, 17-0), which clinched its second straight Colonial Athletic Association regular-season title Thursday, made 15 of 16 free throws in winning its 36th straight CAA game.

Hollie Mershon paced Drexel with 26 points but made just 11 of 30 shots. The Dragons had won four straight.