Former big league All-Star Dave Stewart doesn’t think the Athletics are long for Oakland. An outdated ballpark, dwindling attendance, and the owner’s unwillingness to sell are just some of the reasons why the Athletics may soon pack their bags and move out of Oakland.

OutKick’s Nick Geddes reported yesterday that Stewart expects either Oakland or Tampa Bay to move to Nashville or Las Vegas.


Stewart then expanded upon his thoughts during a Thursday afternoon appearance on OutKick360, admitting that he’s had discussions with A’s owner John J. Fisher and understands his thinking.

"What I do know is this: they have a vote that’s coming in June (to secure approval and funding for a new ballpark and waterfront development). If that vote does not go in favor of the A’s…(Fisher) is not going to sell that franchise."

A general view of play between the Oakland Athletics and the Texas Rangers at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on August 06, 2020 in Oakland, California. 

A general view of play between the Oakland Athletics and the Texas Rangers at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum on August 06, 2020 in Oakland, California.  (Photo by Lachlan Cunningham/Getty Images)

Rather than sell, Stewart believes that Fisher will relocate the Athletics, potentially to one of the two cities Stewart previously mentioned.

"Rightfully so, (Fisher) doesn’t want to continue to play baseball at the Oakland Coliseum," said Stewart. "It’s an old facility. It’s got a lot of problems. That is not where he wants to play.

"If this vote does not go in his favor in June, I think he’s not going to be left with very many alternatives except to move that franchise," Stewart added.


If anyone would like to see the Athletics stay in Oakland, it’s Stewart. The 65-year-old former pitcher spent nearly half of his 16 MLB seasons in Oakland, winning both a World Series and World Series MVP with the club in 1989.

"Being from Oakland and knowing the city, this will be such a mistake if they don’t vote this (new stadium) project through " Stewart said, per OutKick360.

With the vote little more than a month away, Oakland may be down to their final at-bat.