Clinton Portis offers his take on the Redskins' name issue

Former Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis thinks that he might have a solution for the Redskins' team name issue that can make both sides of the debate happy. Here's the new name he came up with:

"I'm not sure if they could just go to the Skins," Portis suggested to Ric Bucher and Nicole Zaloumis on SiriusXM's Bleacher Report Radio channel, per the Washington Post. "I'm not sure if that would be as offensive, just dropping the 'red' part. The Washington Skins. I think that would kind of preserve the history and the name, but again, my expertise is not on that subject. I understand both sides of it. I understand both arguments."

Portis' idea may seem a bit more favorable to the fans who want to preserve the Redskins nation tradition, but can you blame him? Portis became a hit with the media and the Redskins' fans immediately upon arriving in a trade from the Denver Broncos. The Redskins are his team, and it's the history behind the name that fuels the desire to keep it.

"I think for myself I would have to take the emotions out and see both sides," Portis said. "… Knowing how huge 'Redskins Nation' is and knowing how much Mr. Snyder loves that team, and really acquiring that team, it was acquired for the name, the tradition, the history, the excellence of that organization. And all of a sudden to not have that, and you go from the Redskins to another name, whatever that would be, I think it would take a lot away from the history of that organization.

"But that's not a call I'm suited to make. For myself and for the lovers of 'Redskins Nation,' we will always remember that. It's like losing a key part of history, which, we see that throughout TV. When you look at the flags being removed, when you look at what society is arguing about and going through, it comes to a time, a decision has to be made, and we have to be able to live with it. So, for myself, I was a part of 'Redskins Nation,' it was great. If it lasts, you love it. If it don't, you understand. … I would hate to see it change, but again, you have to understand everyone else's point of view, and the people it's negative and derogative to, you have to understand that."

Like many Redskins fans, media members and members of the organization, Portis is torn on the issue. The debate seems likely to roll along with no answer or final decision in sight.

(h/t Washington Post)