Chargers eager to resume stadium push now that San Diego has elected Faulconer as mayor

The San Diego Chargers are eager to resume their long, winding push for a new stadium now that Republican Kevin Faulconer has been elected mayor.

The effort to replace aging Qualcomm Stadium has been idled by upheaval at City Hall. Faulconer beat fellow City Council member David Alvarez on Tuesday in a special election to replace Democrat Bob Filner, who resigned Aug. 30 amid a torrent of sexual harassment allegations.

Faulconer is expected to be sworn in March 3.

Attorney Mark Fabiani, who has led the Chargers' attempts to get a new stadium since 2002, says the important factor "is that somebody is going to be in office and hopefully will be in office for quite a while."

Fabiani says he hopes to meet with Faulconer once he's in office and has assembled a staff.