Alex Rodriguez Caught Playing With Mariachi Band In Mexico

(Alejandra Ramos via Twitter)

With an entire season off from professional baseball, Alex Rodriguez might be looking into some part-time work in Mexico.

The suspended slugger was caught donning a sombrero and a guitar while on vacation in Mexico last week, happily joining a mariachi band. No word on what song he played with the band, but speculation is that it could have been the seventh inning stretch classic, “Take Me Out To The Ball Game.” Others thought they heard him sing the classic ranchera "Sigo Siendo el Rey" ("I Am Still the King").

The embattled New York Yankee third baseman was seen strumming along with the band by two Twitter users who promptly posted the photographic evidence on social media.

Rodriguez was in Cancún on vacation after the announcement of the reduction of his punishment from a 211-game suspension to 162 games, plus any post-season games, meaning that the 38-year-old Dominican will not be allowed to take the field for even one game this season.

Several angry major league players wanted Rodriguez kicked out of their union after he sued it last week claiming it had "breached its duty of fair representation to Mr. Rodriguez." However, staff lawyers said an expulsion is not allowed.

The players spoke Jan. 13 during a Major League Baseball Players Association conference call. Details were first reported Tuesday by Yahoo Sports and later confirmed to The Associated Press by a person familiar with the call. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because no statements were authorized.

The union and Rodriguez spokesman Ron Berkowitz declined comment.

All players in the major leagues are members of the union and pay $65 daily in dues, or $11,895 if a player is in the big leagues for a full season. Baseball's labor contract specifies the union is "the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all major league players."

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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