Alabama pastor cuts up Nikes during sermon in Kaepernick protest

An Alabama pastor on Sunday used a pair of scissors during a sermon to destroy Nike items after learning the apparel company endorsed Colin Kaepernick.

Rev. Mack Morris, of the Woodridge Baptist Church in Mobile, held a Nike headband and wristband before cutting them up in an act of protest, reported.

"I ain't using that no more,” Morris said in his weekly sermon, titled “The Storms of Life.” "He's inked a contract with Nike. No one knows or is telling how many multi-million dollars that is going to be simply because he won't stand when the national anthem is sung."

Kaepernick trigged a firestorm over two years ago when he began taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem during football games.

The protest centered on police brutality and racial injustice in America, but opponents argue the kneeling is disrespectful to the American flag and military.

Morris received a standing applause afterwards, the newspaper reported.

Nike’s decision to feature the former NFL quarterback-turned-activist in its new ad campaign has drawn the ire and support of many.

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