WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES: Greedy snake tries to eat 8 chicken eggs at once, fails miserably

Video grab of a snake regurgitating seven eggs in Kerala, India. Sujith VP was called to remove the snake after it attacked a henhouse and proceeded to swallow eight eggs. The cobra was later filmed throwing up seven of those eight eggs. (© India Photo Agency / SWNS.com)

Never has the idiom "one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach" been more true than for this greedy King cobra snake.

The wicked snake finagled its way into a chicken coop in Kerala, India, killed a chicken and then tried to eat eight of the eggs laying around the henhouse.

Even though cobras will eat anything, ranging from other snakes to birds or large rodents, apparently eight eggs was a bit too much for this gluttonous serpent.

Video grab of a snake regurgitating seven eggs. See SWNS story SWCOBRA. Sujith VP was called to remove the snake in Kerala, India after it attacked a henhouse in someone's farm and then proceeded to swallow eight eggs. The cobra was later filmed throwing up seven of those eight eggs. (© India Photo Agency / SWNS.com)


Pictures show the moment when the snake realized it bit off more than it could chew, unable to digest both the chicken and the eight eggs. It regurgitated seven of the eggs as it tried to get away from snake catcher Sujith VP, SWNS reports.

"When a snake slithers on the ground, it's difficult for it to get away with heavy food like eggs inside it," Sujith said.

Video grab of a snake regurgitating seven eggs. See SWNS story SWCOBRA. Sujith VP was called to remove the snake in Kerala, India after it attacked a henhouse in someone's farm and then proceeded to swallow eight eggs. The cobra was later filmed throwing up seven of those eight eggs. (© India Photo Agency / SWNS.com)

"In this instance, the cobra wanted to escape from the public view, so it puked the eggs fast," Sujith explained.

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