Venus and the Moon make picturesque couple in stunning picture

Venus and the moon appeared close in proximity last night as the two made for a breathtaking scene. (NWS Seattle)

Stargazers across the U.S. were met with a glittering spectacle Sunday night.

Shortly after sunset, a crescent Moon rested just to the right of Venus. Observers may have also seen Mercury nearby, USA Today reported.

"These are the two brightest objects in the nighttime sky," Diana Hannikainen told Sky and Telescope, where she is Observing Editor.


While separated by 2 degrees on the East Coast, Venus and the Moon appeared almost touching to Washington state residents as the Moon moved to within a half degree of Venus at nightfall along the West Coast, the magazine reported.

Despite appearing close to the naked eye, Venus and the Moon are millions of miles apart.

Peak viewing of the phenomenon has ended but the two will still be close in proximity early this week, according to USA Today.

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