Under the Bandage: Up Close with an Egyptian Mummy

The head of a ancient mummy sits on a table after being removed from a Egyptian casket. It was packaged for shipping at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn., which sent it to Quinnipiac Univ. for diagnostic imaging at the Biaonthropology Research Institute. Previous tests led to speculation that the packet was a bird mummy -- something researchers said would be an unusual and exciting find -- but high-resolution tests showed no remnants of a bird. Instead, researchers said the packet and a few others in the mummy likely contained organs, which were sometimes preserved and placed back in mummies for use in the afterlife. <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/01/14/believe-mummy-tummy/"><b>More.</b></a> (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)

Quinnipiac University Professors Ronald Beckett, left, and Gerald Conlogue -- co-directors of the Bioanthropology Research Institute at Quininnipiac Univ.-- wrap a mummy for shipping to Quinnipiac Univ. at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn. (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)

Quinnipiac University Professors Ronald Beckett left, and Gerald Conlogue, co-directors of the Bioanthropology Research Institute at Quninnipiac, wrap a torso of a mummy for shipping to their school at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn. (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)

The mummy's torso is wrapped by for shipping to by Quinnipiac Univ. professors and museum curators at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn. (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)

Quinnipiac University Professors Gerald Conlogue and Ronald Beckett hold the head of a mummy along with Kathy Maher, the executive director and curator for the Barnum Museum, at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn. The mummy is being packaged and shipped to Quinnipiac Univ. (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)

Kathy Maher executive director and curator at the Barnum Museum examines an empty mummy casket at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn. The mummy was removed Tuesday and  transported to Quinnipiac University for testing. (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)

Quinnipiac University Professors Gerald Conlogue left, and Ronald Beckett, co-directors of the Bioanthropology Research Institute at Quninnipiac, wrap the torso of a mummy for shipping to their school at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Conn. (AP Photo/Douglas Healey)