Twitter silent as Louis Farrakhan's misleading COVID-19 vaccine claims go unchecked

Farrakhan is the leader and most prominent figure of the Nation of Islam

A Twitter post by the Nation of Islam linking to a video where its leader, Louis Farrakhan, claims the coronavirus vaccine is deadly has remained on Twitter since March 1.

Twitter has yet to take action on the video despite its policies against coronavirus misinformation. Facebook took down a corresponding post on its site.


"Now variants are popping up here and there, making null and void what you call your vaccine," Farrakhan says in the video. "I have friends that are turning because I told them not to take this vaccine. You cannot disprove what we have said."

"By rushing so fast to get something out, bypassing normal steps in a true vaccine, now God is going to turn your vaccine into death in a hurry," he continued.

\Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan delivers a speech and talks about U.S. President Donald Trump, at the Watergate Hotel, on November 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Other speakers at the Nation of Islam event featured on the video made unsubstantiated claims that the vaccine had killed more than 900 people and suggested the U.S. uses vaccines for population control and that is it linked to autism. There is no evidence for those claims.

The Nation of Islam also made a post titled "Covid-19 experimental vaccines, medical racism and a warning to Black America." The post linked to an article quoting Farrakhan's spokesperson Ava Muhammad as saying "Minister Farrakhan called it death in July, and in December, under the direction and control of the United States government, it in fact began killing people."

Twitter's policy on misleading coronavirus information states, "You may not use Twitter’s services to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm."

Farrakhan is the leader and most prominent figure of the Nation of Islam, a militant black supremacist and nationalist group that formed in the 1930s.


Since taking leadership in the late 1970s, Farrakhan has been accused of anti-Semitism and homophobia for his comments and sermons.

Fox News' inquiry to Twitter was not immediately returned.

Fox News' Bradford Betz contributed to this report.

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