Top UFO sightings (so far) of 2013

Strange lights appear in the night sky... (MisterMachine1977/Youtube)

After reviewing photos taken by his passengers, a Texas pilot catches this surprisingly clear footage of a possible UFO on his descent into Port Aransas. (StephenHannardADGUK/Youtube)

An unkown object was caught on camera hovering over the mountainside. (thirdphaseofmoon/Youtube)

A grouping of lights hover over a building in Las Vegas. (UFO SHACK/Youtube)

A weird-looking flying object was seen flying across the California sky. (InfoWarriorTheEnlightenedOne/Youtube)

A UFO received it's 15 minutes of fame after appearing on this television broadcast. The flying object can be seen hovering over the shoulder of the woman. (InfoWarriorTheEnlightenedOne/Youtube)

A tourist in Beijing, China filmed this UFO sighting. (UFOvni2012/Youtube)

Is that a UFO flying across the sky? (huntghosts/Youtube)