Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't.

A photographer in the U.K. snapped pictures of what's been described as possibly "the fattest squirrel in the U.K." And the minuscule mammal can't stop eating.

David Hoztaby, from Bingley West Yorks, was walking one afternoon when he spotted the sizable squirrel, unfazed by Hoztaby, British news agency SWNS reports. It was then that the part-time photographer realized that he needed to take the photos.

These funny pictures show what could be the fattest squirrel in the U.K. (Credit: SWNS)

These funny pictures show what could be the fattest squirrel in the U.K. (Credit: SWNS)


“I’ve never seen such a big squirrel before so I got my camera out," Hoztaby told SWNS. “It caught my eye immediately because it was just so large. I thought ‘look at the size of that one.' He seemed really engrossed with his meal, he was just chomping away. Which probably explains why he was so big."

Some squirrels are known to hide nuts and eat them later on during hibernation, but gray squirrels do not hibernate. Instead, they will eat their entire body weight in a week during autumn and store the fat to brave the winter.

Nonetheless, Hoztaby said he was happy with the photos he took.

The chunky tree-dweller was unfazed by the approaching photographer as it stood comfortably near the roots of a tree, laser-focused on eating its dinner. (Credit: SWNS)

The chunky tree-dweller was unfazed by the approaching photographer as it stood comfortably near the roots of a tree, laser-focused on eating its dinner. (Credit: SWNS)

“I think wildlife photography is particularly interesting because I like to see the animal’s antics," he added. “I’m really happy with the picture because it’s quite funny and you always want to capture something unusual."

Earlier this month, a study looking at gray squirrels concluded that they have dominant sides to their bodies and are left or right-handed, just like humans.