How to visit national parks during the partial gov't shutdown

National parks were not exempt from the government shutdown but that does not mean you can't 'visit' the nation's greatest treasures while politicians continue to work things out.

The Grand Canyon, Ellis Island and Yosemite may be inaccessible by foot, but with a little help from NASA, you can still view our national landmarks from space.

Congress missed its deadline to keep the government running and the National Park Services' contingency plan states in the event of a shutdown all activities at the parks, except for necessary emergency services, would be immediately suspended and the parks would be closed indefinitely.

Not only is the public unable to enter the parks, visitors currently camping or staying in a national park have been ordered to leave within two days and all roads leading to the parks are set to close.

"Tourists will find every one of America's national parks and monuments, from Yosemite to the Smithsonian to the Statue of Liberty, immediately closed," President Obama announced Monday evening.

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