Egypt's Lost Treasure: Ancient Artifacts That Got Away

<b>Nefertiti's Bust</b> The bust of the famous Queen Nefertiti, currently housed at the <a target="_blank" href="">Neues Museum</a> in Berlin. Dr. Zahi Hawass, head of the council of antiquities, issued an official request to Germany for the bust on Sunday. (AP)

<b>The Dendera Zodiac</b> The Zodiac of Dendera is a sandstone slab that was transported to France in 1821 by Egyptian ruler Mohamed Ali Pasha. It is currently housed at the Louvre in Paris.  (Louvre/Herv Lewandowski)

<b>The Rosetta Stone</b> One of the centerpieces at the British Museum, this stone is key to deciphering hieroglyphs. (British Museum)

<b>the Statue of Hemiunu</b> Stored at the Roemer-und Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim, Germany, the statue of Hemiunu is an Old Kingdom sculpture of the Great Pyramid's architect -- and it's high on Dr. Zahi Hawass' wish list.  (Flickr)

<b>The Bust of Ahkhhaf</b> On display at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, this painted limestone bust of Ankhhaf was found in a tomb in Giza in 1925, and has recently been requested by Dr. Zahi Hawass. (Boston Museum of Fine Arts)