A pair of new homeowners were shocked to find a four-foot snake in the cistern of their toilet - which had been turned blue by cleaning products.

Naomi Burdett and her partner were terrified to hear “Kevin” the rat snake hissing after knocking over a lit candle in their bathroom. The frightened couple eventually found the blue-tinged reptile hiding in the top of the lavatory.

“My partner discovered the snake after hearing the candle smash. He saw the snake which hissed at him then backed away into the toilet,” Burdett said. “He ran upstairs in a moment of panic, neither of us are the biggest fans of snakes and it’s not exactly what you expect to see in your downstairs loo.”

Burdett and her partner were terrified to hear 'Kevin' the rat snake hissing after knocking over a lit candle in their bathroom.The couple eventually found the blue-tinged reptile after lifting the lid on the top of the lavatory.

Burdett and her partner were terrified to hear 'Kevin' the rat snake hissing after knocking over a lit candle in their bathroom.The couple eventually found the blue-tinged reptile after lifting the lid on the top of the lavatory. (SWNS)


“My sister-in-law was close by and was able to come round and help us contain him - we named him Kevin - and fortunately the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was then able to take him away to specialist care,” she continued. “We haven’t had any heating until recently so it must have been really cold for him.”

Burdett, from Essex, England, added: "We haven’t been staying here during the renovations so I have no idea where he has been living or how long he has been here. It’s a really bizarre situation - we were telling family and they were saying ‘send us pictures or we don’t believe you’.”

“I just hope he makes a full recovery now, as we grew quite attached to him,” she added.

“I just hope he makes a full recovery now, as we grew quite attached to him,” she added.

“I just hope he makes a full recovery now, as we grew quite attached to him,” she added. (SWNS)

RSPCA animal collection officer Joe White said: “I’m sure these poor people got quite a shock when they discovered a snake residing in their toilet. It just goes to show every day is different for an RSPCA inspector - we never know what we are going to be called about."


“Rat snakes are kept as pets fairly regularly in this country so I’m sure he’s an escaped pet - if anyone recognizes him they can call the RSPCA inspector appeal line,” he added.

Kevin has now been logged on Pets Located and is recovering at a local wildlife hospital to be monitored in case he has ingested any of the chemical toilet water. The charity recommended that owners invest in an enclosure suitable for the particular species and that it is kept secure when unattended.

"Reptiles, particularly snakes, can be extremely good escape artists and will take the opportunity of a gap in an enclosure door, or a loose-fitting lid,” a RSPCA rep said "The RSPCA advises members of the public to not handle unconfirmed species of snakes, and to contact the charity for advice.”


This story was originally published by SWNS.