Arranging your furniture can be a tricky task. Both large and small rooms, along with awkward-shaped spaces, can make placing furniture in the right spot difficult. Here are 10 things to avoid when arranging your furniture.

 Not Having a Focal Point

It doesn’t matter if it’s the bedroom or the living room, each room should have a focal point. Perhaps it’s the television, an over-sized piece of artwork or the fireplace. “You don’t want to ignore the fireplace or something else that would architecturally be a natural main element in the room,” said Los Angeles–based celebrity designer Nicole Sassaman in Women’s Day.

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Lack of Conversation Areas

When setting up furniture, don’t forget about conversation areas. Never position chairs and couches so they are facing away from each other. Decorating Den Interiors, a design company, notes, “The last thing you want to do is shout across the room when trying to have a conversation, so arrange your seated furniture in a way that inspires opportunity for close, intimate chat.”

Don’t Be a Wallflower

Give your furniture a bit of breathing room and never push it all the way up against the walls. Even leaving a few inches of space can make the room feel bigger. According to The Budget Decorator blog, try placing pieces on the diagonal. “Placing pieces on the diagonal carries your eye smoothly through the room, so not only does it look larger, it looks more interesting.”

Leaving a little room behind the couch isn't just for sitcom families anymore!

Leaving a little room behind the couch isn't just for sitcom families anymore! (iStock)

Too Many Pieces

Yes, you can have too much furniture. In small spaces, such as bedrooms, start with what you must have and add more from there. Using fewer pieces will make the room feel more spacious. Instead of a wide dresser, try a taller dresser which will give you the same amount of storage but will take up less room.

For six more mistakes you're making, be sure to read the rest of the article at Family Handyman.