Nancy Pelosi has given moderate Dems 'cover' on Trump impeachment talk: Byron York

Washington Examiner columnist Byron York says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's comments dismissing the idea that Democrats will try to impeach President Trump gives moderate Democrats "cover" in districts where President Trump has more approval.

"Some of them are in districts that Donald Trump won and they don't really want to pursue impeachment," York said on "America's Newsroom."

"There are a lot of moderate Democrats who feel that they were elected to do other things like work on health care and the economy -- not impeachment."


"And Pelosi has actually given them cover to now say 'the Speaker has now given her opinion on that,'" York added.

"I’m not for impeachment," Pelosi, D-Calif., told The Washington Post in an interview published Monday. "Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it."

Pelosi's impeachment comments were unexpected, according to York, especially since many Democrats have been talking about the topic.

"They were a surprise because the impeachment machine has been up and running on Capitol Hill," York told co-host Bill Hemmer.

The comment came after House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., when asked Monday by Fox News about the push to impeach President Trump responded, “we’ve got 62 new (Democratic) members. Not three.”

Hoyer apparently was referring to congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y, Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and lhan Omar, D-Minn., who have garnered a large amount of media coverage since joining Congress and have been very vocal about impeachment.


York noted however that the freshman congresswomen's districts may differ from the majority of their colleagues districts in that they are more liberal.

"A number of those were elected in districts that are not at all like AOC's," York said.

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