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    Women of Bill Clinton's past

    As Bill Clinton's past comes up once again this election cycle, these are the most prominent women who feature as part of his tumultuous history.

  • Gennifer Flowers
    Gennifer Flowers, a model and singer, dogged Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign with accusations that they had engaged in a 12-year relationship. After Clinton denied her claims, saying they had merely been acquaintances, she produced voicemail tapes between them that suggested otherwise. Clinton later admitted the two had engaged in sexual relations.
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  • Juanita Broaddrick
    Juanita Broaddrick, right, is a former nursing home worker from Arkansas who alleged in 1999 that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 when he was Arkansas attorney general and running for governor. She also claimed that Hillary Clinton implied to her in a conversation that she knew about the incident. The Clintons have denied Broaddrick's claims.
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  • Paula Jones
    Paula Jones was an Arkansas state employee who sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment after she claimed he exposed himself to her in a hotel room in 1991. Clinton eventually settled the case out of court, without acknowledging wrongdoing.
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  • Monica Lewinsky
    Monica Lewinsky is the most famous of Bill's dalliances -- her relationship with the then-president led to Clinton's impeachment. Lewinsky was a young intern in the Clinton White House who began having a sexual relationship with Clinton between 1995 and 1997. After initially denying having had sexual relations with Lewinsky, Clinton was later forced to admit he had had an "inappropriate" relationship with the intern. The impeachment ended with acquittal in the Senate. 
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  • Kathleen Willey
    Kathleen Willey was a White House volunteer who claimed Bill Clinton groped her and kissed her during a private meeting in the White House Oval Office in 1993. Clinton said he had met with Willey to discuss a potential job opportunity, but that no such encounter as she had described had taken place.
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    Women of Bill Clinton's past

    As Bill Clinton's past comes up once again this election cycle, these are the most prominent women who feature as part of his tumultuous history.

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  • Women of Bill Clinton's past
  • Gennifer Flowers
  • Juanita Broaddrick
  • Paula Jones
  • Monica Lewinsky
  • Kathleen Willey