Wikileaks releases hacked DNC voicemail messages

WikiLeaks released 29 voicemail messages late Wednesday that were hacked from the Democratic National Committee and appeared to show several donors expressing discomfort with the influence of Bernie Sanders on the party's members.

In one of the more than two dozen leaked messages, a donor expressed their anger about the support Sanders was getting during the primaries. According to the Dallas Morning News, the caller, who appeared to be a Hillary Clinton supporter, threatened to leave the Democratic Party if members continued to “coddle” the Vermont senator.

"I'm furious about what you are doing for Bernie Sanders, he's getting way too much influence," the woman said. "I'm on a fixed income. I spend over $300 donated to Hillary and what I see is the DNC bending over backwards for Bernie."

Another caller questioned the DNC over its decision to allow Sanders to have Cornel West serve on the platform committee despite being outspoken against President Barack Obama.

“He’s not a democrat, please stop this man now.”

Two other calls asked about how to reach Michelle Obama and another was from a woman asking for a favor.

The release comes days after WikiLeaks released internal DNC emails which forced the resignation of chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and sent the convention into a frenzy earlier this week.

The emails showed an apparent collusion on the committee to help Clinton get the party’s presidential nomination. Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, had argued all along that Washington Democrats favored Clinton. Among other decisions, he pointed to Wasserman Schultz’s decision to limit the number of primary debates, which he argued was meant to protect Clinton.

Sanders -- who railed against what he called a “rigged” system throughout his campaign -- has since endorsed Wasserman Schultz’s primary rival in her re-election bid, in another sign of the acrimony between them.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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