
Five hundred thousand jobs.

That’s the number that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says may be lost if President Obama pushes through a raise in the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, from $7.25. The report cranked up the heat online on what has already been a feisty political battle.

It didn’t take long for the White House spin machine to kick into high gear, ignoring the jobs projection and focusing on the millions who would earn more money if wages increased. Democrats are well aware of a Gallup poll on Monday that found one in four Americans say jobs and unemployment are numero uno on their list of concerns.

Press Sec Jay Carney and senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer doubled down on Twitter.

And a producer for MSNBC host Rachel Maddow takes a slap at Republicans for an almost unanimous opposition to the wage hike.

Earlier this month, the CBO handed some other not-so-good news to the White House, reporting that the equivalent of millions of jobs could be lost to Obamacare.

Author and speechwriter Amanda Carpenter sarcastically accentuates the positive for the administration.

The New York Times’ Carl Hulse hits in out of the park with the best acronym of the day.


When you have a neatly hand-written mea culpa from the president of the United States, you bet your Pablo Picasso it’s going to be plastered all over Twitter.

Art blog Hyperallergic reported that a University of Texas at Austin professor wrote to the Pres on the White House website, telling him to stop dissing art history as it teaches kids how to think, read and write.

While we're at it, anyone else want an apology?