White House Misses Deadline for Solyndra Subpoena

May 26, 2010: President Obama lifts a solar panel as he tours a Solyndra facility in Fremont, Calif. (Reuters)

The White House on Thursday missed the noon deadline for responding to the Republican-approved subpoena issued last week demanding the White House turn over "all documents" pertaining to the Solyndra loan guarantee.

But while White House aides earlier told Fox News there are no plans to produce more documents on the bankrupt solar panel firm until Republicans agree to narrow the scope of their request, House Republicans issued a statement saying they expect some response from the White House by the end of the day.

"The White House Counsel's Office informed the committee that it plans to begin providing responsive materials to the committee's subpoena," House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., said in the joint statement. "We remain hopeful that the White House will demonstrate some good faith efforts of compliance and provide the internal Solyndra-related communications we have been seeking."

It's unclear what exactly the White House plans to turn over.

When Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week approved the subpoena, they requested documents "referring or relating in any way" to the loan guarantee. The White House rejected the request as "overbroad" and accused Republicans of playing "partisan politics."

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    White House spokesman Eric Schultz noted Thursday that the administration has produced more than 85,000 pages of documents to date, including 20,000 pages the day before the vote on the subpoena.

    "This administration has spent an enormous amount of time and resources responding to these requests from Congress," Schultz told Fox News. "All of the materials that have been disclosed affirm what we have said all along -- this was a merit based decision made by the Department of Energy."

    Schultz said the Obama administration would work with the panel "to accommodate its legitimate oversight requests," but only "to the extent consistent with the constitutional prerogatives of the Executive Branch."

    Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, told Fox News that Republicans will have to "keep pushing" the administration to turn over documents.

    "They appear to think that as long as they say everything is okay, it's okay," he said.

    Barton also disputed the contention that the decision was merit-based.

    Fox News' Ed Henry contributed to this report. 

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