WebMD enjoys hefty ObamaCare contract, while praising law

The consumer health site WebMD, while praising ObamaCare in its articles on the health law, reportedly is also raking in money on the side from a federal contract to educate doctors about ObamaCare.

According to The Washington Times, WebMD has not gone out of its way to inform readers of the contract, even as it publishes articles that say positive things about the law.

But documents reviewed by the Times show the company has a $4.8 million deal with the government, through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to educate health care workers about parts of the health care law.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has also praised the website without mentioning the contract.

The contract has raised concerns for one senator. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, told the Times that "disclosure and transparency would be a good practice for any recipient of federal funding to promote the administration's health care plan."

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