
Get a spine. That’s the message from Washington’s largest paper of record.

And sitting around a table isn’t going to cut it.

The invasion of 16,000 Russian troops into Crimea this week ticked off the editorial writers for the Washington Post, prompting an out-of-character, Obama take-down. It's a big deal; it’s not every day that John McCain, who has called U.S. foreign policy "feckless," says the Post is a “must-read” on any subject.

The editorial concurs with Republican talking points claiming that the U.S. is exhibiting weakness. “Military strength, trustworthiness as an ally, staying power in difficult corners of the world such as Afghanistan — these still matter, much as we might wish they did not. While the United States has been retrenching, the tide of democracy in the world, which once seemed inexorable, has been receding.”

Former Ambassador John Bolton couldn’t agree more, saying that Putin won’t care about incremental sanctions, and Europe – too dependent on Russia for oil and natural gas -- won’t put its shaky economy in danger by supporting those sanctions.

Many prominent Republicans have taken to TV and Twitter to warn of impending trouble for the U.S. unless, as Lindsey Graham says, “We push back soon.”

Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power ripped into Russia for its actions at an emergency session, and President Obama said, “Russia was on the wrong side of history.”


It’s Mitt’s day in the sun. Remember when President Obama mocked him in a debate for saying Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe? It went like this: “The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.”

The Pres wasn’t the only one who mocked him.

Mediaite compiled a string of videos of media naysayers, including MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O’Donnell, piling on.

Wonder if anyone will issue a correction?

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