Warren travels to New Hampshire with goal of defeating Brown, again

FILE: 2012: Incumbent U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., left, and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren, in Boston. (AP)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren once again is trying to keep Republican Scott Brown out of the Senate.

The liberal Democrat defeated Brown to take his Massachusetts Senate seat in 2012. And now she’s planning to stump for fellow Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, as Brown runs against her in this year’s New Hampshire Senate race.

“Never in a bazillion years did it cross my mind that Scott Brown would pack up and move to his vacation house in New Hampshire to run against our friend Jeanne. … But that’s exactly what happened,” Warren told supporters in an email, according to The Boston Globe.

A Shaheen aide said Warren is scheduled to campaign on Saturday.

Shaheen leads the race by 3 percentage points, 49-to-46 percent, according to an averaging of polls by Real Clear Politics.

“The race is neck-and-neck,” Warren also said in the email. That’s “why I’m going to New Hampshire … to make sure our neighbors know as much about Scott Brown’s record as the voters of Massachusetts did when they decided to turn him out.”

Warren, a first-term senator with a growing national profile, also has raised money this year for Shaheen, who had a tense debate with Brown Tuesday night.

Brown's campaign is downplaying the visit from his former election rival. “It doesn’t matter who Senator Shaheen brings into New Hampshire to prop up her campaign these next 15 days,” a Brown spokeswoman said about the expected visit. “She can’t escape the fact that for six years she has brought the failed policies of President Obama to the Granite State by voting with him 99 percent of the time.”

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