Warren touts Biden's 'really good plans,' says Trump 'failed miserably' on coronavirus

'This crisis is on Donald Trump and the Republicans who enable him'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren – once one of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's fiercest opponents during the primary season – praised the former vice president’s “really good plans” during a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

“I love a good plan, and Joe Biden has some really good plans—plans to bring back union jobs in manufacturing and create new union jobs in clean energy,” Warren said from a classroom in Massachusetts. “Plans to increase Social Security benefits, cancel billions in student loan debt, and make our bankruptcy laws work for families instead of the creditors who cheat them.”

But the former teacher and Harvard professor said the one plan by Biden that is particularly close to her heart regards childcare.


“We build infrastructure like roads, bridges and communications systems so that people can work,” she said. “That infrastructure helps us all because it keeps our economy going. It’s time to recognize that childcare is part of the basic infrastructure of this nation—it’s infrastructure for families.”

Warren added: “Joe and [vice presidential nominee] Kamala [Harris] will make high-quality child care affordable for every family, make preschool universal, and raise the wages for every child care worker."

While the progressive Warren was critical of Biden on the debate stage during the primaries, she quickly endorsed his candidacy after she abandoned her own White House bid in March.

The Massachusetts Democrat may have made amends with Biden, but her vitriol toward President Trump has not died down.

On a night where most convention speakers focused on touting Biden and Harris – and less on bashing the president – Warren laid into Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus pandemic and the economic fallout that ensued.


“Donald Trump’s ignorance and incompetence have always been a danger to our country,” Warren said. “COVID-19 was Trump’s biggest test. He failed miserably. Today, America has the most COVID deaths in the world and an economic collapse—and both crises are falling hardest on Black and Brown families.”

She added: “This crisis is bad—and didn’t have to be this way. This crisis is on Donald Trump and the Republicans who enable him. On November 3, we hold them all accountable.”

The Trump campaign shot back at Warren – saying that the progressive lawmaker wants to use Biden as a “Trojan horse” for a far left agenda and questioned why Warren didn’t push Biden about the sexual assault allegations leveled against him.

"Elizabeth Warren sees Joe Biden for what he truly is: an empty vessel for her far-left agenda,” the Trump campaign said in a statement. "Warren is just like Kamala Harris – a total phony."