President Biden won Michigan in 2020, but many residents in the deep blue Detroit suburbs said things have gotten worse since inauguration day one year ago.

"He hasn't done anything for the people," Marisa, a single mom living in Oakland County, Michigan, told Fox News. "COVID is worse. You know, people can't get help with a lot of things."

"I'm a single mom. I'm struggling," she continued. "I can't get the assistance that I need. I'm having trouble finding a job. I'm struggling."


Biden won Oakland County, which is just north of Detroit, by 14 points in 2020.


"Things are obviously worse, but I don't know that what's worse is exactly all his fault," one Michigan man said. "There's transportation. There's employment shortages."

"How much of that is actually his fault?" he continued. "Are the problems that are going on in the staff that he's hired or is it things that aren't in his control?"

Bill from Romulus, Michigan, in nearby Wayne County – an area that went to Biden by 38 points in 2020 – said there is a lack of enthusiasm in the president’s policies.

Bill from Romulus, MI speaks to Fox News.

Bill from Romulus, MI speaks to Fox News.

"Look at the stats," Bill said. "Look at our economy. Look at the way things are going. Look at the way people are not following his program, the lack of enthusiasm in the American workforce."

"He hasn't generated enthusiasm for the people to get off their butts," he continued. "Therefore, we suffer." 

Shi, of Southfield, Michigan, blamed Republicans for derailing the president’s agenda.

"I think he's done pretty good," Shi said. "He has some obstacles from the Republican Party and not passing the voters bill. If it wasn't for them, I think he would have done a lot better than he's done." 

Shi from Southfield, MI speaks to Fox News.

Shi from Southfield, MI speaks to Fox News.

But Greg told Fox News: "I don't think he is doing too well. I think a lot what he's doing over in China and backing down, obviously in the Middle East, all those things where he pulled out a little too early."

"I think a little more finesse is probably a better suit for him, but I don't think it’s a suit that fits him," he said.

One year ago Thursday, in his inaugural address, Biden pledged to unite the country.

"Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. Uniting our nation," Biden had said.

However, 49% of Americans think Biden is doing more to divide the country than unite it, a recent poll shows.

President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool)

President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool)

"Unity is not something that is happening in this country," Marisa told Fox News. "I know that for a fact."


Shi said: "I don't see how he can if the people are not willing to open their hearts and accept people for who they are. I don't see where anybody can do anything with that. And Trump is causing division every which way you go." 

Despite being critical of his performance, Greg said he thinks Biden is doing a decent job of uniting the country.

"Given the fact that the country was almost in turmoil when he got in, honestly, and there's no end in sight to something like unifying the country, especially right now, I feel like we're kind of a little bit more divided than ever," Greg told Fox News. "And so hopefully he can figure that out."

Isabelle McDonnell contributed to this report.