A company with a 30-year history as Burlington’s largest taxi provider will close its doors for good July 4 weekend. The owner said ObamaCare and the high cost of doing business in Vermont contributed to the closing.
“It’s very expensive all the way around,” Wanda Robar, owner of Benways Taxi, told Vermont Watchdog regarding the cost of doing business in Vermont.
“Don’t forget we have ObamaCare coming, too. And for my staff, I knew it wasn’t possible. They didn’t make enough money to really pay what the Vermont health care exchange items are going to cost — and do cost right now.”
Robar, who took the reins of the company after her late husband, Paul Robar, died in 2011, said neither the family-owned business nor her workers could afford the costs associated with health care.
“I knew that they couldn’t get the subsidies that they could in this year for (the years) coming up. And I knew there was no way I could facilitate that either and make it go over,” she said.