Venezuelan president launches aggressive anti-U.S. campaign

Venezuela’s militia marched around Caracas’ historical center on Friday, March 20, 2015. The government has opened 15 posts in the area to gather signatures against Obama’s executive order.

One of the posts set up in Caracas’ historical center, on Friday, March 20, 2015. The longest lines had around ten people.

The booklet calling to revoke President Obama's executive order against Venezuela includes a message by Unasur and each holds up to 100 signatures.

At the International Book Fair of Venezuela, children were given crayons and coloring pages with the face of Hugo Chávez.

The cover of the booklet.

The socialist party PSUV set up a post to gather signatures against the U.S. sanctions in front of the National Assembly in Caracas, Saturday March 21, 2015.  

A signing post at the International Book Fair of Venezuela, in Caracas, Saturday March 21, 2015.

A stage and TV screens were set up at Caracas’ Bolivar Square, Saturday March 21, 1015.

Some of the stands at the International Book Fair in Caracas were politically charged.

The entrance to the Book Fair with pictures of President Maduro, late President and Chávez and Simón Bolívar. Also, the message: “National unity against the imperialist aggression.”