US 'heading into troubled waters' with China, Russia and Iran: Pillsbury

Wall Street Journal article says China's message to America is that they're 'equal'

The threat the United States faces from China is "troubling," The Hudson Institute's Michael Pillsbury told "America’s Newsroom," warning about Russia and Iran acting in concert with Beijing.  

"The Chinese, in their comments on the Biden administration, say that there are two factions, there's kind of a continuity with President Trump group that wants to be tough or even tougher on China. But there's also a softer group that wants to cooperate, work together on climate change," said the author of "Hundred Year Marathon."

Pillsbury explained further that China notices the "split" within the Biden administration, adding that he's worried about China's "saber-rattling about Taiwan." 


Pillsbury reacted to a piece by the Wall Street Journal detailing China's message toward the United States that they are "equal." The piece titled, "China's Message to America: We're An Equal Now" goes in-depth on China's plans to challenge the United States as the "global leader." 

"As Biden administration officials expected in their first meeting with Chinese counterparts, Yang Jiechi, Mr. Xi’s top foreign-policy aide, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi asked them to roll back Trump-era policies targeting China. Beijing wanted to restore the kind of recurring "dialogue" Washington sees as a waste of time, say U.S. and Chinese officials briefed on the Alaska meeting," the piece says.

The piece went on to say, "Mr. Yang also delivered a surprise: a 16-minute lecture about America’s racial problems and democratic failings. The objective, say Chinese officials, was to make clear that Beijing sees itself as an equal of the U.S. He also warned Washington against challenging China over a mission Beijing views as sacred—the eventual reunification with Taiwan."


Pillsbury said that though a "global world order" was set up by the United States in 1945, the Russians and Chinese want to challenge that world order.

"This is a strange challenge coming from these two powers. And when they bring in Iran, I mean, Iran is the source of their oil and gas. It's got a lot of money to buy weapons. They see it as the main way to tie down the Americans in the Middle East."

Pillsbury concluded, "So we're heading into troubled waters."

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said Sunday on Fox News that China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are the "new axis of evil" and that the communist regime in Beijing is "testing the Biden administration." 

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