Universities urge undocumented students abroad to return before Trump's inauguration

(Image: Screen grab via Fox40 Sacramento)

Both the California State University system and the University of California are urging their undocumented students who are studying abroad to return home before Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

They are taking seriously his campaign promise to deport undocumented immigrants. While that is difficult to do if authorities had to track down immigrants without legalization papers, keeping undocumented immigrants from returning to the U.S. if they are visiting relatives or studying abroad in a university-sanctioned education program would be much easier.

Called DACA students for their enrollment in President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, they are in danger of not completing courses and losing out on classes already paid for by student loans, as well as transportation and housing costs.

But the alternative is to be stranded overseas.

A letter sent by the state university to campus study abroad administrators reads “unless they return by January 19, 2017, there is no assurance they will be allowed to return to the U.S. and there is a realistic possibility they will be denied entry.”

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University of California legal advisers to students are also recommending that students return to the U.S. before inauguration day on Jan. 20. Both the CSU and the UC have reaffirmed their support of undocumented students while also saying it may be beyond their ability to change federal policies enacted by the new president.

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