Union-tied group slips IRS scrutiny

The Restaurant Opportunities Center has slipped IRS scrutiny, and critics of the nonprofit are asking why.

A complaint filed by a coalition of restaurant owners with the federal tax authority alleges the 501(c)(3) labor nonprofit has received special treatment.

Florida Watchdog has obtained a copy of ROC's tax exempt acceptance letter, dated June 1, 2010, and approved by Robert Choi, director of exempt organizations at the Cincinnati office of the Internal Revenue Service.

The Cincinnati office is blamed for much of the harassment and delay tactics incurred by conservative groups applying for similar tax exempt treatment, which is no fault of ROC.

What is of concern, according to a coalition of restaurant owners and workers calling itself the Restaurant Opportunities Center Exposed, is the multi-state "union front" continues to slip by the watchful eye of the IRS.

"It does raise the question of whether they're receiving a pass because they're ideologically in line with the administration. But we'll have to see if the IRS will now investigate. We've presented them with some pretty strong documentation of lobbying and we've juxtaposed that with filings the IRS already has in their possession," said Mike Paranzino, communications director for ROC Exposed.

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